


Ewe, Lamb, vaccination for lifestyle blocks

Vaccinations for your Lifestyle Block


We can dispense vaccine quantities tailored to the size of your flock or herd. Whether you have two sheep or ten goats, we've got you covered! As we approach the summer months, here are the vaccinations we recommend for your animals (if they haven't already had them):

Clostridia Protection:

  • Calves: Start with a 7-in-1 vaccination, which protects against the five most common strains of clostridial disease and two strains of lepsospirosis. A booster is required 4-6 weeks later. Adult cattle need an annual booster, ideally in autumn.
  • Lambs, kids and cria: We recommend Covexin 10-in-1  as our go-to vaccine, although a standard 5-in-1 can also be used if preferred. Each vaccine requires a booster 4-6 weeks later. If the damn didn't receive a clostridial vaccine 2-4 weeks before giving birth, please consult our team for tailored recoemmendations - especially if you're planning to tail tock or castrate young animals at the time of their first vaccination.
  • Annual vaccinations for stock older than one year can be done now if the animals won't be used for breeding. For breeding animals, we recommend administering the annual clostridial booster 2-4 weeks before they are due to give birth to ensure passive immmunity is passed on through the colostrum.


Special note: Ensure your stock never go more than a year without an annual vaccine booster to maintain protection. In some cases, this may mean giving an additional does to bridge the gap between their initial vaccinations as young animals and their pre-birth booster as adults if they're being bred from.


Vaccines for Breeding Ewes

  • Toxoplasmosis: Maiden ewes (those yet to be bred) should receive a single dose of Toxovax at least six weeks before mating. One shot provides lifetime protection against toxoplasmosis. Toxovax is a live vaccine that needs to be planned in advance. Contact us to coordinate Toxovax orders with other lifestylers.
  • Campylobacter: Maiden ewes should also reeive two doses of Campyvax, 4-6 weeks apart, with the second dose administered before mating. Campyvax and Toxovax can be given at the same time.
  • Annual boosters: All breeding ewes should receive an annual booster of Campyvax before mating begins.


If you have any questions about these vaccinations, feel free to give us a call. For additional resources, visit, which provides excellent information on these vaccines and the diseases they protect against.